Celo Proposes To Transition to an Ethereum(ETH) Layer-2 Network

The Celo blockchain’s developers, CLabs, propose migrating from an independent layer-1 blockchain to an Ethereum layer-2 solution.

The Celo Blockchain’s Developers, CLabs, Are Proposing to Transition to an Ethereum(ETH) Layer-2 Solution

CLabs, the developers of the Celo blockchain, suggest switching from an independent layer-1 blockchain to an Ethereum layer-2 solution.

The move would increase security, make it easier to distribute liquidity between Celo and Ethereum, and allow engineers to collaborate more fluidly. Because Celo is already Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible, Ethereum developers may easily migrate their existing Dapps or construct new ones with many of the same tools.

Celo’s proposed concept includes “off-chain data availability, powered by EigenLayer and EigenDA, operated by Ethereum node operators, and protected by restacked ETH.” The team expects to present an indicative on-chain governance proposal for the community to vote on as early as July 22.

Ethereum developer Vitalik Buterin wrote a technical comment on the Celo forum article and expressed enthusiasm for the idea. “Would love to see the Celo ecosystem get closer to Ethereum,” Vitalik remarked.

According to Dune statistics, Celo has seen a significant increase in transaction growth in recent months, but activity remains well below the levels seen in 2021 and 2022.

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