Google Cloud Expands BigQuery with 11 New Blockchains, Including Ethereum’s Görli Testnet

Google’s BigQuery is poised to grant users access to a diverse range of data from 11 prominent blockchain networks.

Google Cloud announced that its BigQuery service has expanded its data warehouse capabilities by incorporating 11 blockchain networks, including Avalanche, Arbitrum, Cronos, Ethereum’s Görli testnet, Fantom, Near, Optimism, Polkadot, Polygon’s mainnet, Polygon’s Mumbai testnet, and Tron.

  • According to the official statement, Google Cloud’s decision to include an additional eleven prominent blockchains within the BigQuery public datasets is the result of a collective desire expressed by blockchain foundations, Web3 analytics companies, partners, developers, and consumers.
  • The goal is to provide a more “comprehensive view” of the bitcoin ecosystem and to provide the capacity to query numerous blockchain networks.
  • This step seeks to enable users to answer complex questions such as calculating the daily minting of NFTs over three distinct chains, comparing transaction fees across different chains, and calculating the number of active wallets on the major EVM networks.

“Having a more robust list of chains available through BigQuery, as well as new ways to access data, will help the Web3 community better answer these and other questions, without the overhead of running nodes or maintaining an indexer.”

  • BigQuery is Google’s fully managed, serverless data warehouse, allowing for scalable analysis of enormous amounts of data.
  • It allows for querying using a SQL dialect and includes integrated machine learning techniques.
  • Furthermore, Google Cloud disclosed that it is upgrading the current Bitcoin BigQuery dataset by adding Satoshis (sats) / Ordinals to the open-source blockchain-ETL datasets for developers to query.
  • The latest advancement is in line with the cloud computing service provider’s Web3 goals.
  • It announced plans in April this year to help Web3 entrepreneurs and projects grow and scale quicker and more securely through a new effort called ‘Google for entrepreneurs Cloud Programme.’

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